Pastor or Pastor’s Wife?

The South Central Walk Worthy Women’s Conference planning team would like to offer free registration to any pastor or pastors’ wife who registers a group of 10 or more ladies (excluding the pastor’s wife) for the SCWW Women’s Conference. When gathering a group, we ask that you register by mailing in the entire group’s forms rather than registering individually or online. We do not have the means to register groups online. We also ask that the pastor or pastor’s wife fill out a form and put in parenthesis beside her name (pastor or pastor’s wife/church name). For example: Jane Doe (pastor or pastor’s wife/Faith Church). This will help us know which church you are representing and verify why your registration fee is waived and no money is included for the pastor or pastor’s wife’s registration. When registering a group from your church, please fill out a registration form for each person attending (we must have a form for each person…..please do not fill out one form and mark that you need 10 registrations….we must have each registrant’s name and information on a separate form). The church can cut one check to cover all registrations. If the church does not want to cut one check, you can submit payment from each person, but please attach the money to the corresponding form, to ensure proper payment/credit is given to each registrant. We ask that when registering a group, the dates for registration fees be marked in accordance with the dates and prices listed on the registration forms. The price increases on April 1, so if you are registering a group from your church, those who would turn in forms after April 1 would need to pay the increased price of $45. All churches mailing in a group of forms should do so by April 10 to ensure that they are processed properly and that the pastor or pastor’s wife’s fee is waived. We cannot process group registrations/waive the pastor or pastor’s wife’s registration at the walk-in/on-site registration table.

To access the printable registration form CLICK HERE.

If you have questions feel free to contact me (Christie Majors) at 417-331-2604 or email me at